1. East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board
  2. What is safeguarding?
  3. Safeguarding training, learning and development

Safeguarding training, learning and development

East Sussex SAB provide a multi-agency training programme covering a range of safeguarding topics. It includes e-learning and face-to-face courses.

Courses are open to staff from agencies who provide services to East Sussex residents.

How to book

You can view and book courses on the East Sussex Learning Portal.

Current training courses

  • Self-neglect
  • Modern slavery and human trafficking
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005: A multi-agency approach to complex cases
  • Adopting a whole family approach to domestic abuse
  • Coercion and control

e-learning courses

East Sussex County Council offers e-learning which includes safeguarding modules.

Many are an introduction to the topic and are essential for ESCC or SAB classroom-based training.

The e-learning courses include:

  • Safeguarding adults
  • Modern slavery and human trafficking
  • The Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Domestic abuse – Foundation module 1: What is domestic abuse?
  • Domestic abuse – Foundation module 2: Impact, building resilience and barriers to seeking support
  • Domestic abuse – Foundation module 3: Risk identification, assessment and management.

Domestic abuse training

Domestic abuse, sexual violence and violence against women and girls training prospectus 2023-2024 [out of date inaccessible]

The prospectus has details of online and face-to-face courses.

These are suitable for those who work or volunteer with people experiencing domestic abuse or sexual violence.

Safeguarding competencies

These frameworks help staff to:

  • assess their current knowledge and skills
  • identify areas for professional development

Concise National Competency Safeguarding Framework | Bournemouth University

National Mental Capacity Act Competency Framework | Bournemouth University

NHS intercollegiate document – Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Heathcare Staff